Mechanical Seals Repair & Services
Cost effective and reliable performance
without the need for new seals
Mechanical Seal Maintenance and Repair
Mechanical seals are a crucial component in the operation of pumps and other rotating instruments and equipment. Failures may be both hazardous and expensive for the process and operation.
In most cases seals may be repaired instead of replaced with a new one. This alternative can saves thousands of dollars to an operation. Camfer Engineering Services offers mechanical seals repairs for all seal brands. Camfer Engineering seal inspection & repair services have been designed to optimize the operation of all mechanical seal brands and types in primary sectors where rotating equipment efficiency is vital.
Our goal is to reduce customer operational costs and guaranteed reliable support and service.
Pharmaceutical Applications
Glass Lined Agitators
Steel Agitators
Filter Dryers
Vertical Cone Dryers
Hydrogenation Pumps
Oil, Gas, and Power Applications:
Main oil line (MOL) pumps
MOL booster pumps
Sea water injection pumps
Crude export pumps
NGL pumps recycle
Condensate pumps
Boiler feed water pumps
Feed water condensate pumps
Cooling water pumps
Export compressors
Power turbines
Chemical Applications:
Glass Lined Agitators
Steel Agitators
High Shear Mixers